November Book Review Center
Looking for a fun easy way to keep those little’s busy while you pull small group?
QR codes are the best thing since sliced bread!!
I create so many things using QR codes! They are so fun and let’s be honest keeping our students busy with worksheets alone can be a horrifying experience, lol. I am not a huge fan of my students being on their ipads “playing” learning games (turns out they are simply playing not learning). I am however a fan of them using their ipads to listen to a good book! These worksheets are simple to use and all you have to do is print them out and pass them out. Students will scan the QR code and be taken to my favorite two read aloud sites: kidstimestorytime or storylineonline. When they are done listening to the book they can complete their rating worksheet.
I think I will turn these into a booklet, so we can have a class discussion at the end of the month and discuss our favorites of the month! I hope you enjoy these, and they make your life easier. Click the image below to find them on my tpt store!