Small Group Reading Passage

I created this product to get my kiddos reading more during small group. I currently have 3 groups I pull daily to work on phonics and reading. I am using my RTI small group decodables and UFLI inspired phonics work with my lower group, but I found that my other two groups were getting what they needed from phonics during my whole group phonics instruction. I needed them to start reading more on a regular basis and struggle through the hard parts.

The Passage – Day One

The students will read and work on the same passage throughout the week. On day one we read the passage and then find all of the words with our skill and color them. My students absolutely love using the Smencils for this day. It is their favorite and they smell so good! With skills that have multiple spellings I then make them write the words in the correct column. They will then write two sentences using words from their lists.

Day Two

On day two we practice reading the passage again. When done we work on comprehension together. Even though it is the same passage and we found all of the words with our skill yesterday, we look for them again today. Practice makes perfect!

Day Three

On day three we work on putting events in order. Wow this can be so hard! I have found that they can sometimes remember the order but man getting them to look in the text and prove it is another story! This is a great way to practice and help them with this skill. We find the events and color them and then glue them in order.

Day Four

On day four we practice writing. I try to give them a writing prompt that goes with the story a little bit. We do not work on reading the passage on this day. I do still time their one minute read on this day though.

Mix and Match Cards

I use these as a quick warm up on day one. Students get a card and match it to the word and then determine which or spelling is being used.

Warm Up Word Builder

I use this as a quick warm up on day two. you can do this with pencil, expo, or even magnets. Students listen to word and find matching picture. Write the word and then circle which or spelling was used.

Fluency 1 Min Read

My students love this part. We never race each other! They only try to beat their last score. One of my tier 3 students went from 19 words on day one to 42 on day 3! It is so exciting to see their excitement!

Saving the best for last!

Who doesn’t love a good craft! I have my students work on this on day 5 because this is when I do my progress monitoring. I can get my work done and they can continue to work on our skill. It’s a win, win!


OR, ORE, and OAR reading passage

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